
The Game Helps Raise Money for Compton Teen to Fly Around the World

The Game certainly seems to be in a giving mood these days. Last week, he launched his “Yo Mama, My Mama” campaign where he bought  $1,000 worth of groceries for a mother of eight that was selected through Instagram, and today, it was announced that The Game would be donating to help a Compton teen become the youngest pilot to fly around the world.

16 year old Compton resident Isaiah Cooper recently finished a solo flight across the country, and his next goal is become the youngest pilot to fly solo around the world. Cooper recently started a GoFundMe campaign with a final goal of $45,000, and The Game helped jumpstart the campaign with a generous $1,000 dollar donation.

“This trip will have costs of things he will need to complete it, fuel, food equipment etc….. so PLEASE CLICK THE LINK IN MY BIO & DONATE ANYTHING you can to help him accomplish his dream…,” The Game said as he implored others to do the same. “As usual, I will start with a donation of $1,000 in hopes that by the end of the day we have ALL helped him reach his goal of $45,000…… It takes us ALL to support one another…… IF YOU CARE & WANT TO BE APART OF THE SOLUTION, SHOW IT.”

In addition to his financial generosity, The Game has also helped to stage a reconciliation between the LAPD and the Los Angeles community by co-leading a peaceful rally with Snoop Dogg designed to cultivate a friendly dialogue between police officers and residents of the city. The Compton-based rapper also recently facilitated a meeting between Los Angeles gang members where a peace treaty was signed by various members of the Bloods and Crips.

By Ryan Donberg for RAPstation.com